Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas

I'm a day late, but better late than never :).

It's been a pretty interesting week. We had several months of rain in just 4 days, part of the city flooded and we lost power for almost 10 hours straight. It was a very looooong and challenging week to say the least, but we got through it.

We spent Christmas day at my dad's house and had our family dinner here at home tonight. My sister and nephews were still in town, so they joined us and the kids had fun playing together for a little while longer.

Now that everyone has gone home and things are settling down, I feel the exhaustion setting in. I could use a day to rest and recover from all the holiday hustle, but it's back to work tomorrow.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and kept the reason-for-the-season at the heart of their celebration!

Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Immanuel Lights

My four day-mini vacation ended tonight with Immanuel Lights, a community lighting of the IBC Christmas tree. Kyle had to be there early for rehearsal (the kids choir performed), so we ended up being there for 2 and 1/2 hours in windy, 50 degree weather. It was really cold and my nose and ears were numb, but the kids did such a great job that it was well worth it.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


"The key to life is to be greatful and give thanks for everything that happens - both the happiness and the sadness."

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Harvest Festival

Today was a very busy day for us. After church we went home, had lunch then went back to help set up for the Harvest Festival. I took Kyle's costume so he could change into it, but he was having so much fun he didn't even care to get dressed up.

Waiting to get his face painted

Taylor Swift :)

Richard Andrew

Pony ride?

Middle school choir

Kyle with Pastor Rob

We never made it trick-or-treating. Kyle got enough candy from playing games at the booths and we were pooped, so we headed home and called it a night.